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Assessing the Projections: The rest of our 2013/14 leagues

Before the World Cup  I started to take a look back at the league projections that Aaron Nielsen and I made at the start of the 2013-14 European season.  I took a break during the World Cup to concentrate on the Soccermetrics Connect API, and then took some time away.  With the 2014-15 European season […]

Projecting the 2014-15 English Premier League

A new season of the English Premier League starts on Saturday, and the interwebs are full of previews and predictions of what will happen over the next nine months.  I’ll leave the previews to the journalists, but I will present expectations of the final league table here.A lot of people are visiting this site for the first […]

Assessing the Projections: The rest of the 2013-14 Big Five

We move on from England to the other domestic leagues that make up the European Big Five — Spain, France, Italy, and Germany.  The format is the same as before in which we post the pre-season projections, the final table, and a statistical summary of the predictive quality of our forecast. So, let’s go. (more…)

Assessing the Projections: 2013-14 Football League Two

At the start of the 2013-14 European football season, I published a series of pre-season projections for over 30 league competitions that follow the European calendar (August to June).  You can read the initial post in the series but I’ll repeat the methodology again.To make these projections we first project the goals scored and allowed […]