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Superliga 2017/18 Review: Breaking down expected and actual results

Throughout Argentina’s Superliga season I’ve presented two league tables side-by-side — one based on the actual league results, and an alternative table based on the expected goal scorelines. Here’s the final table:(I color coded the outcome zones for the teams; yellow is for the league champion, blue goes to group stage of Copa Libertadores 2019, […]

Chances created and converted in Argentina’s Primera División 2016-17

Argentina’s Primera División 2016-17 has been a study of constants and fluidity since it began last August.  Boca Juniors have led the tournament since December, but at least two and as many as five other sides have appeared as credible challengers to the title.  Some teams should have been stronger challengers but haven’t (Racing Club), […]

Summarizing xG performance in Argentina Primera (Round 25)

Earlier in the month I presented a breakdown of offensive and defensive expected goal performance in Argentina’s Primera División.  Here’s an update after the most recent matches played last weekend (Round 25).Below is the offensive performance chart for Primera as of Round 25.  The actual and expected goals are reported for open play events, set […]

Summarizing xG performance in Argentina Primera (Round 22)

I’ve taken some time to break down expected goals of each side in Argentina’s Primera División by offensive and defensive performance and by type of play.  I’ve decided to display the breakdowns in two charts for offensive and defensive performances, and I’m going to borrow a practice from Formula One to highlight performance extremes.Below is the […]

Presentando los mapas xG de Soccermetrics

En esta entrada presento el concepto del mapa de expectativa de gol (mapa xG) que ilustra los intentos de gol de los dos protagonistas y sus probabilidades de convertirse en goles.Los mapas no son inéditos en la comunidad de los analistas avanzados del fútbol.  Michael Caley y Sander Ijtsma (alias 11tegen11) se hicieron famosos por […]

La tabla de expectativa de gol en Primera División Argentina 2016/17 (Fecha 20)

En la entrada previa presenté la estructura de un modelo de expectativa de gol y la estrategia para entrenarlo.  Vamos a aplicarlo al torneo actual de la Primera División Argentina por la gentileza de DataFactory.  Ya van 20 jornadas del campeonato, así que faltan 10 fechas de este torneo larguísimo.La tabla de posiciones, para los […]