FMRD-Summary Table Description: Set Pieces category

We move on to describing the FMRD-Summary data tables grouped under the Set Pieces category. This information is also hosted at our GitHub code repository.

Free Kicks

This table contains summary statistical data related to direct free kicks in a match.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Free kicks on target Number of direct free kicks that entered the goal face
Free kicks off target Number of direct free kicks that did not enter goal face


This table contains summary statistical data related to corner kicks taken in a match.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Successful corners into penalty box Corners into penalty area that reach a teammate
Unsuccessful corners into penalty box Corners into penalty area that miss a teammate
Successful left corners Successful corners from left side of pitch (relative to own goal)
Unsuccessful left corners Unsuccessful corners from left side of pitch
Successful right corners Successful corners from right side of pitch
Unsuccessful right corners Unsuccessful corners from right side of pitch
Short corners Total number of corners that travel a short distance
Total corners Total number of corners taken by player in match


This table tracks statistical data related to throw-ins taken in a match.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Throw-ins to teammate Number of throw-ins controlled by a teammate
Throw-ins to opposing player Number of throw-ins controlled by an opposing player

Key Plays

This table is admittedly arbitrary in nature.  It records events viewed in the opinion of the data collector to be a “key play”.  Such a play could be one that has a direct impact in the match, but it can also be a play that meets a key performance indicator as described in the team’s game plan.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Key corners Number of corners taken deemed to have impact in match
Key free kicks Number of free kicks taken deemed to have impact in match
Key throw-ins Number of throw-ins taken deemed to have impact in match
Key goal kicks Number of goal kicks taken deemed to have impact in match