FMRD-Summary Table Description: Defense category

We move on to describing the FMRD-Summary data tables grouped under the Defense category (summary statistics related to defensive actions). This information is also hosted at our GitHub code repository.


Tracks the number of balls that are cleared away from a player’s defensive area in a match.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Headed clearances Balls cleared away from defensive area with head
Goalline clearances Balls cleared off goal line
Other clearances Balls cleared away from defensive area (not goal line, not headed)
Total clearances Total ball clearances by a player


Track summary statistical data of defensive actions by player.  Principal actions include conceded fouls and errors, but also blocks and interceptions.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Blocks Number of balls blocked by player
Number of interceptions Number of balls intercepted by player
Number of recovered balls Number of balls recovered after initial loss of possession
Number of conceded corners Number of ball touches by player that resulted in corner kick
Number of conceded fouls Number of fouls committed by player
Number of challenges lost Number of lost tackles, duels, or other ball challenges
Number of conceded handballs Number of handball fouls committed by player
Number of conceded penalties Number of fouls committed by player resulting in penalties
Number of errors resulting in goals Number of errant actions that resulted in goal by opposing team
Number of errors resulting in shots Number of errant actions that resulted in shot (no goal) by opposing team

Shot Blocks

Track statistical data related to blocked shots by a player.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Blocked inside box shots Number of blocked shots that were made inside penalty area
Blocked outside box shots Number of blocked shots that were made outside penalty area
Blocked headed shots Number of blocked shots that were taken with the head
Blocked left footed shots Number of blocked shots that were taken with left foot
Blocked right footed shots Number of blocked shots that were taken with right foot
Other blocked shots Number of blocked shots made or taken under other scenarios
Total blocked shots Total number of blocked shots

Goal Line Clearances

Track statistical data related to goal line clearances by a player.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Inside box goal line clearances Number of shots from inside penalty area that are cleared off goal line
Outside box goal line clearances Number of shots from outside penalty area that are cleared off goal line
Total goal line clearances Total number of shots cleared off goal line


Track statistical data related to tackling plays.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Tackles won Number of successful tackles attempts by player
Tackles lost Number of unsuccessful tackle attempts
Last man tackles Number of successful last-man tackles