FMRD-Summary Table Description: Passes category

After a long pause and many promises to post more descriptions, we continue the documentation for the FMRD-Summary schema with tables in the Passes category.  A more detailed description is found in the FMRD-Summary wiki page on GitHub.  Headers refer to table names, and fields are given in definition order (the actual name of the variable in the implementation may be different).


This table tracks cumulative statistical data related to passing actions by a player.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Total successful All passes that are successfully controlled by a teammate
Total unsuccessful All passes that are not successfully controlled by a teammate
Total successful (excl. corner crosses) All successful passes, excluding crosses that result from corners
Total unsuccessful (excl. corner crosses) All unsuccessful passes, excluding crosses that result from corners
Total successful longballs All successful long passes (30 meters or more)
Total unsuccessful longballs All unsuccessful long passes
Total successful lay-off passes All successful lay-off passes
Total unsuccessful lay-off passes All unsuccessful lay-off passes
Total through balls All passes between a group of defenders toward a teammate
Total key passes All passes deemed “key” to buildup or team strategy

Pass Directions

This table tracks the number of passes made in a given direction on the field, assuming that a team will move from its own goal toward its opponent’s goal.  Some passes are played forward and toward a flank; in these situations two fields would be updated.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Total passes forward Total passes played toward opponent’s goal
Total passes backward Total passes played toward own goal
Total passes left Total passes played toward left touch line
Total passes right Total passes played toward right touch line

Pass Lengths

This table tracks the number of successful and unsuccessful passes made of varying lengths.  The threshold between short, long, and flicked-on passes is set by the data collector.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Total successful short passes Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful short passes Self-explanatory
Total successful long passes Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful long passes Self-explanatory
Total successful flick-on passes Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful flick-on passes Self-explanatory

Pass Locations

This table tracks the number of successful and unsuccessful passes initiated from various sectors of the pitch.

Field Description
Lineup Player Player in match lineup
Total successful passes (own half) Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful passes (own half) Self-explanatory
Total successful passes (opp half) Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful passes (opp half) Self-explanatory
Total successful passes (defensive third) Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful passes (defensive third) Self-explanatory
Total successful passes (middle third) Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful passes (middle third) Self-explanatory
Total successful passes (final third) Self-explanatory
Total unsuccessful passes (final third) Self-explanatory