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Quantifying individual performance in team events

Jordi Duch, Joshua S. Waitzmann, Luís A. Nunes Amaral, "Quantifying the Performance of Individual Players in a Team Activity", PLoS ONE, 5(6): e10937, 2010. [Citation] The question of how to assign individual credit within team activities is an important one which spans various endeavors, from business projects to scientific research collaborations to team sports.  In […]

On macro-statistics and micro-statistics

When I talk about statistics in soccer, I tend to group them into two different classes.  I’ve even written posts where I have made such distinctions but without much definition.  I’d like to take a step back and discuss what I feel are two important classes of data in soccer: macro-statistics and micro-statistics. (more…)

Presentation by Wayne Winston on Adjusted Plus/Minus

Continuing with the discussion on adjusted plus/minus, below is a presentation that Wayne Winston made at the New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports last September on player and lineup analysis in the NBA.  Wayne Winston is a professor at Indiana University's business school and the developer of the original adjusted plus/minus system (the Dallas […]