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Football weather data added to Soccermetrics ProjectData repository

As most of you know, I have a repository on GitHub called ProjectData which stores open data from a variety of soccer analytics projects.  Last night I added a folder to store weather data at football matches.Weather has an impact on the outcome of outdoor sporting events such as soccer and all of the football […]

Marcotti tools hit milestone, now loading MCFC Analytics data

Soccermetrics’ Marcotti repository has finally reached an important milestone.  The transition of the schema from SQL scripts to Pythonic data models is complete, and a next-generation set of extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) tools has been ported successfully from other projects.  It’s not a final version, but I feel comfortable with setting a version number at this […]

Marcotti-Light now open-sourced on GitHub

Last month I gave a progress report on analytics projects and software under development.  Today I’m pleased to announce that Marcotti-Light — the light version of Soccermetrics’ match database schemas — has been open-sourced on GitHub.Marcotti-Light is used to create databases that track full-time scorelines in all types of competitions and matches that involve either […]