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Manager performance in the first half of the Argentina Superliga

The 2017/18 Argentine Superliga is now in its summer/holiday break, which is much shorter than the summer breaks in the past. (The league competition restarts on January 28.)  It’s a convenient moment to take a look at the performance of the managers in the current tournament.There have been 41 different managers in the Superliga, of […]

Resumen DT: ¡No te olvides de Cocca!

Cuándo pensaba en escribir una nota acerca del rendimiento de los directores técnico en la Primera Argentina, tenía planeado destacar la hazaña de Sebastián Beccacece, anteriormente de Defensa y Justicia y ahora entre los integrantes de la Selección Argentina.  Sigo con esos planes, pero al ver los datos del campeonato hay que destacar también el […]

Do Pythagorean residuals provide insight into best manager performances?

The Pythagorean residual of a team, defined as the difference between its actual and expected point totals given identical goal statistics, is used often to assess roughly its under-performance or over-performance.  But can that residual be used to assess managerial performance, too?I’ve looked at Pythagorean tables for the most recent seasons of the English Premier League […]